Fear the Deer

Truth be told, there really hasn’t been much to get excited about in Milwaukee since the days of Sidney Moncrief in the 80’s. When sensational center Andrew Bogut went down near the end of the season, I thought the Bucks were toast and would be fortunate to win one playoff game. Not anymore. While the Hawks certainly have more talent, there are five reasons why Atlanta needs to Fear The Deer:

1. The Flying Dutchman…Dan Gadzuric!!!

2. Brandon Jennings is a cold blooded assassin and Mike Bibby simply can’t guard him

4. Scott Skiles is always a superb coach during the first two seasons with a team prior to his players tuning him out

3. John Salmons has really improved since he starred in the movie White Man Can’t Jump and is now one of the ten best shooting guards in the NBA

5. Kurt Thomas is the biggest badass in basketball

Tags: fear the deer, bucks, milwaukee bucks, milwaukee bucks mascot dunk, milwaukee, hawks


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