I heard this too, it's getting around fast. I don't know if it's true though. Some people are saying this is just an excuse for his performance, but then again I wouldn't be surprised. D West is kind of creepy...
Gloria James is Leborn James’ mom. And this comes from an undeniable source, Terez Owens. Still, the proof is there to see in that neither LeBron nor Delonte played well since this recognizable cow patty hit the fan.
Delonte West-Gloria James affair seems to be true. The fact remains though, that LeBron is off his game so bad that these gossips seem to be true. However unreasonable, it’s upsetting him sufficient to make him seem like he doesn’t even care when he’s playing. When you have an opportunity to be one of basketball’s greats, it shouldn’t matter who your mother is getting it on with.
Now if this piece of news is true, it is really devastating for any person, but still we think that it is better that one keeps personal and professional lives separate.
James is known for his performance and it’s no use if his performance level drops because of this incident. What can be the best place to show off your skills and proof to the world that no matter what, you are still the best than the basketball ground.
Tags: delonte west lebron james mom, delonte west, delonte west gloria james, gloria james, terez owens, lebron james mom
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