Produced by NBC Universal, Friday Night Lights is broadcast by NBC and DirecTV (The 101 Network). Premiered on October 3, 2006 on NBC with an initial order of 13 episodes, the show was eventually picked up for a full season. NBC renewed the show for a full 22-episode second season, which began airing on October 5, 2007. Only 15 of these episodes were completed before production was stopped due to the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike, leading to speculation that the show might be canceled. However, NBC renewed the show with DirecTV for a 13-episode third season; episodes began airing on DirecTV's The 101 Network on 1 October 2008 and were rebroadcast on NBC. On March 30, 2009, NBC officially renewed the series yet again, for two additional seasons of 13 episodes apiece with DirecTV. To date, Friday Night Lights has aired 63 episodes, concluding its fourth season on DirecTV on February 10, 2010. The fourth season will also be shown on NBC beginning on May 7, 2010. NBC has confirmed that the fifth season will be the final season.
Friday Night Lights has never obtained a sizable audience. However, it has been a critical success, lauded for its realistic portrayal of Middle America and deep personal exploration of its central characters. The show has been awarded a Peabody Award, a Humanitas Prize, an Emmy Award, and a Television Critics Association Award.
Friday Night Lights Season 4 Premiere “East of Dillion” Will be taking place this May 7, 2010 at 8 pm ET / 7pm Central time. The show was aired first timee way back October 28, 2009. The story line goes like this follows Coach Taylor (Kyle Chandler), who has taken a job across the tracks as head coach of the East Dillon Tigers. There he faces a different set of challenges in putting together a new team and coaching staff. We will be having favorites like indie-rocker Devin (Stephanie Hunt) and Panther star Tim Riggins (Taylor Kitsch), as well as introducing many new characters such as Vince Howard (Michael B. Jordan) and Jurnee Smollett (Jess Merriweather). Try to watch Friday Night Lights Season 4 Premiere Online now.
Tags: friday night lights season 4 premiere, friday night lights season 4, friday night lights, minka kelly
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