Reporter and broadcaster Lauren Booth, 43 - Cherie Blair's sister - now wearing a hijab when she left her home to pray five times a day and visited the local mosque as long as she can.
She decided to become a Muslim shrine, after six weeks ago, Fatima Al Masumeh in the city of Qom.
"This is a Tuesday night, I sat down and feel the spirit of this lens morphine, but absolute happiness and joy," she said in an interview today.
When she returned to England, she decided to immediately convert.
Booth - who works for TV news, English language Iran News Channel - have stopped eating pork, and read the Koran every day. She is currently at 60.
Booth has stopped drinking, and said she did not want to drink, because the conversion.
Prior to her spiritual awakening in Iran, she had "sympathy" to Islam and has spent considerable time working in Palestine, she added that she hopes will help Tony Blair of her converting to Islam changed his presumption.
When she returned to England, she decided to immediately convert.
'Now I do not eat pork, I read the Koran every day. I p. 60. I have not had a drink in 45 days, maximum period of 25 years, 'she said.
'The strange thing is, since I decided I do not want to touch alcohol, I'm the kind who want a glass of wine or two at the end of the day. '
Refused to discount the possibility that she might wear a Burka, she said: 'Who knows the spirit of my journey will take me? '
In front of her awakening, Iran, she is 'sympathetic' Islam and has spent considerable time working in Palestine. 'I was always impressed by the strength and comfort it gave,' she said, religion.
Miss Booth, who works for TV news, the Iranian English language news channel, has been a vocal opponent of the war in Iraq.
August 2008, she went to Gaza from Cyprus by boat, along with 46 other activists, stressed that Israel's blockade of the territory.
She was subsequently refused entry into Israel and Egypt.
She said she hopes that her conversion would help Tony Blair changed his presumption of Islam.
Men, women and children stood around for a day without water, without food (it is called Ramadan, Tony, this is a fast), 'Booth wrote.
'Response to hunger and thirst of Baidu high temperature, just like what it is. They can withstand deprivation of the Muslim world.
'Here proud, and they suffered in Iran in order to express solidarity with the Palestinian people. This is an expression of solidarity with the way you like without the U.S. the only illegal chemical weapons and a million civilian deaths. '
She added: 'Your world view is that Muslims are mad, bad and dangerous to know. A spread is under control.
'In the last chapter of [his autobiography] You said that we need a "religious counterattack against" Islam. From "Islam" You mean the holy city assembly, the Palestinian uprising (the struggle against apartheid based on Tony, not religious prejudice), for every Arab who does not put their arms in the air and missile camps and their homes warm rain F16 Choir singing 'Imagine all the people ...'
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