Tabram lived on and off with Henry Turner, a carpenter, from about 1876 until three weeks before her death. This relationship was also troubled by Tabram's drinking and occasionally staying out all night. She, and her sons, were listed as being overnight inmates at the Whitechapel Union workhouse's casual ward at Thomas Street on the census night of 1881. By 1888 Turner was out of regular employment and the couple earned income by selling trinkets and other small articles on the streets, while lodging for about four months at 4 Star
Place, off Commercial Road in Whitechapel. Around the beginning of July they left abruptly, owing rent, and separated for the last time about the middle of that month. Tabram moved to a common lodging house at 19 George Street, Spitalfields.
On the night of August 6-7th she had at least one client before a man on his way to work at 4.45 a.m. almost tripped over her dead body, which was lying on the first floor landing of an apartment block called GEORGE YARD BUILDINGS, situated off GEORGE YARD, now GUNTHORPE STREET, WHITECHAPEL. ( although these crimes are oft referred to as the "Whitechapel murders" only Tabram and Nichols were actually slain in that parish and Gunthorpe street is on the borderline of Spitalfields ).
Tabram had 39 knife wounds to her throat and upper and lower torso, which had caused her to bleed to death. Because of the differences between her injuries and the Ripper's usual modus operandi, plus the fact that two knives were used, Tabram has not commonly found acceptance as his victim, but some Ripperologists argue that "signature" is more important than m.o. and that the Ripper's signature can be detected in a savage incised wound to her genital area, reminiscent of the other crimes. It is also postulated that his subsequent killing technique developed out of lessons learned in the Tabram murder.
Contemporary newspaper reports at the beginning of September linked Tabram's murder to those of Emma Elizabeth Smith on 3 April and Mary Ann Nichols on 31 August, though before she died, Smith had told the police that a gang had attacked her. The later killings of Annie Chapman on 8 September, of both Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes on 30 September and of Mary Jane Kelly on 9 November were also linked at the time to Tabram's
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