13) Sit on his lap -- at a party, an outdoor barbecue, in your living room while he's lounging in an armchair -- and align your private parts with his. Every now and then shift your weight a bit; it'll stimulate his groin...and his mind.
14) Put a copy of the Kama Sutra on his night table.
15) Strongly hint that you're in the mood, then play hard to get and make him work at seducing you.
16) Give him a sensual chest massage: Sit on the bed against the headboard and have him lie down with his head in your lap. Oil up your hands, then slide them down his pec muscles. With the tips of your fingers, massage underneath the muscles, slowly moving up along his sides, toward his armpits. Then, using your thumbs, make an outward fanning movement down to the middle of his chest, between the two muscles.
17) Do it dressed: Just lower or move aside any articles of clothing that are an obstacle.
18) Buy a thong if you haven't already.
19) Seduce him in the kitchen. He'll never expect you to get hot and heavy among the pots and pans.
20) Make out in a warm summer rain shower.
21) Ask for a bite of his dinner and make him feed it to you on his fork.
22) Wear a summery top with a million little buttons or hooks, and slooowwly start to undo them as he watches. By the last one, he'll be in a downright lusty lather.
23) Tell him you need the car keys, then dip your hand in his front pocket and fish around for them.
24) Make love in front of a mirror so you can see every erotic angle of each other's bodies.
Tags: Ways To Drive Your Man Wild And Sexy, sex techniques, pleasure
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